
I adhere to a comprehensive and strict code of ethics.

  • The psychotherapy / counselling relationship is confidential between the therapist and client in two ways:

    • i) the fact that a person is or has been a client, or has enquired about becoming a client, must remain confidential;
    • ii) the content of any interaction between therapist and client is confidential and must not be disclosed.
  • Contact by the therapist regarding the client's therapeutic relationship with third parties including relatives and friends of the client should happen only with the express knowledge and consent of the client. Exceptions may only be made in the following circumstances:

    • i) where minors (under 16) are involved
    • ii) in the case of clients who the therapist has reason to believe would be a danger to themselves or to others
    • iii) if disclosure is ordered by a Judge, Coroner or other similar official having such powers.